Update time.
Still working on Hinterlands ep 3 and 4.
3 more projects are in the making as well.
Ninja Kitty finally got a Newgrounds account - but it seems that someone already had the name "Ninja Kitty" so she had to get a new s/n which is L-Kat.
So that's why on the side bar it says "L-Kat" and in the credits for the flashes we have so far it says "Ninja Kitty"
o_0 I'm confusing myself. Hope that made sense.
Anyway, look forward to the new stuff coming up. It's some good stuff I assure you ~_^
-Goth Hawk
whats going on man?
cant wait for the new stuff!
lol sorry man. Been really busy. life's been in the way for a while. We should be getting episodes 3 and 4 done soon. by soon I mean hopefully, and by hopefully i mean probably the end of this month. or sooner. I hope sooner.
thanks for the support though! nice to see people like it!